Sunday, October 29, 2006

New Haven Register Endorses Joe

posted on October 29th

The New Haven Register today made it 2-for-2 in major Connecticut newspapers endorsing Joe in the general election. Just like The Hartford Courant, the Register’s editors lauded Joe’s unique ability to rise above politics as usual to solve problems for his constituents and his country, calling him a “thoughtful politician” who can “reclaim the sensible center in American politics from two parties who put their own interests first.”

By contrast, the editorial noted, Ned Lamont would just be...

...part of that partisan divide that results in party interest prevailing over the common good. Where Lieberman voted against the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, Lamont says he would have led a filibuster. Where Lieberman has tried to improve access to health care coverage, Lamont would require employers to pay into a universal health care system. Lieberman describes the plan as a job killer for businesses already struggling with high health care costs.

Like many voters, the Registers said they were concerned by Lamont’s inexperience, inconsistencies, and unaccountability:

We are particularly troubled by Lamont’s refusal to disclose his and his wife’s income tax returns for the last five years despite their contributing a jaw-dropping $10.7 million of their own money to finance his campaign.

The editors made clear they don’t agree with Joe on every issue and that they feel he has made some mistakes. That just makes the endorsement all the more credible and effective. We appreciate the Register’s candor and most importantly their support.
Posted by: Eric Blankenbaker on 10/29/2006 at 11:51 PM


Blogger CT Bob said...

"...The editors made clear they don’t agree with Joe on every issue and that they feel he has made some mistakes..."

Jesus, I wonder if Joe Lieberman will ever get an enthusiastic endorsement? Everyone who endorses Lieberman must be typing with one hand because they're holding their nose with the other.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The New Haven Register, owned by Journal Register Company (masterminded by Robert Jelenic) cares absolutely NOTHING about Connecticut, let alone politics.

Appropriate in a way, since Lieberman also cares absolutely NOTHING about Connecticut, and "it's not about politics".

A Jelenic endorsement is not needed (or wanted) for Ned Lamont. Enough votes will do the trick.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not worried about the Lamont's money. I know what they do for a living and know it pays well. They can spend it as they like.

But I WOULD like to know how Joe managed to become a millionaire while in the Senate.

And I WOULD like to know about Joe's jaw-dropping $387,000.00 petty cash slush fund, and where it all went.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" .....Like many voters, the Registers said they were concerned by Lamont’s inexperience, inconsistencies, and unaccountability:...."

Yeah ....and we are EXTREMELY concerned with Joe LIE-man's 18 years of "bipartisan" "stay-the-course", "I know better" kinda politics that results in the US being the worst it has been the last 6 years.

I have to admit Joe is consistent - consitstently NOT telling the truth, consistently bein gon the side of Big Oil, BIg Pharma, Defence and seemingly any other BIg interest willing to put some money along his way.

Joe is too easily corrupted by big interests, seduced by lobbyists and distracted by the truth.

18 years is enough; and Joe has been getting worse the alst 6 years especially. Enough of the LIES, sanctimonous enabling of WRONG decisions, two-faced holier than-thou kinda morality that sees no wrong in scolding Clintaon but remains BLIND to the deaths of nearly 3000 Americans.

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We are particularly troubled by Lamont’s refusal to disclose his and his wife’s income tax returns for the last five years despite their contributing a jaw-dropping $10.7 million of their own money to finance his campaign...."


12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YUPE ...AGREE with Anon .....all the points just goes to show what a hypocrite Joe is!

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was never for stay the course."

Joe LIE-man was never for CT. Everything is for himself, including his dumb party name.

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe is so upset at losing the NYT's endorsement, his campaign wrote a nasty letter to thme.

You MUST always agree with Joe LIE-man - it iis his entitlement because in CT, we are his slaves and it is his entitlement.

Joe is now PETULANT and upset so the NYT better say, " ...sorry Joe.."

WHAT A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention all you poor folks ........JOE LIE-MAN IS TRYING TO BUY YOUR VOTES!!!!!!

$387,000 for the primary much do you think your vore is worth for the general?

Resistance is futile ....... submit and collect your CASH!

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. joe is the one trying to buy the election? cool down and think about whos got more money and taken over 10 mil from his own pocket.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@anonymous 6:47

a) Joe is being bought by special interest money. Millions from corporate PACs and lobbyists. He's gonna have to pay it back sometime.

b) Joe is a millionaire. Where'd his money come from? WHERE ARE JOE LIEBERMAN'S TAX RETURNS???

c) While Joe was becoming a millionaire while he was not-working as our Senator, how come Connecticut LOST OVER 75,000 jobs??

d) Joe isn't spending his own money on his campaign -- why should anyone else give him any? Well, anyone else except those PACs and lobbyists, who are buying his votes.

e) What did Joe do with the $387,000.00 slush fund money?

f) New York Mayor Bloomberg spent $77,000,000.00 (that's SEVENTY SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS) of his own money on HIS campaign. How come Joe doesn't have a problem with that??

7:27 PM  

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